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Wednesday, February 12th 2025

"I'm a travel junkie who's hooked on deals from YYZ." - Chris Myden

Tagged Pages Archive | Air France

Toronto to Port Louis, Mauritius | $998 roundtrip including taxes

Mauritius Island

I believe this is the first time I've ever seen sub-$1000 flights from Toronto to Mauritius (MRU), a paradise-on-earth island located to the east of Madagascar, off the SE coast of Africa.

At first glance, it may not seem like an amazing price, considering that I usually like to post fares that are a lot less. But it's all relative. Compared to what it usually costs to get to Mauritius, I'd say it's a true 50% discount off the usual bottom price and more than meets my criteria for an amazing deal.

For comparison, the cheapest flights from YYZ to Madagascar run around $2100.

The flights have 1 stop in Paris (CDG) each way. Since they are on Air France, it should be possible to get a free extended layover in Paris as well.

The total distance is 15,374km (9,600 miles) each way. Make no mistake, Mauritius is a long ways away from Toronto!

Interestingly, the same flights just from Paris to Mauritius alone are going for $1474 roundtrip.

I've never been to Mauritius, but from the pictures I've seen, it looks pretty incredible. It reminds me a bit of Bora Bora.

How to find and book these flights

1. You could start with a search on Google Flights Explorer


2. And then try a 3 day flexible date search on Kayak. Here are some examples:

early March 2014 (very limited dates)
mid March 2014 (coming back March 23 seems to be the key)
late March 2014 to early April 2014 (numerous dates)

If you see any other months with dates under $1000, please share, and I will do the same.

If you need amazing advice on Mauritius, or anywhere else in the world, try asking the 9,300 real travel junkies from Toronto in the YYZ Deals Facebook Group.

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Toronto to Istanbul, Turkey - from $700 roundtrip after taxes!

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Toronto, Montreal to Casablanca, Morocco - $683 roundtrip after taxes

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